Tree Trimming

Maintaining powerlines free from interference of vegetation and other obstructions is an important element to ensure the safety and reliability of the distribution system. 

orangeville hydro ongoing projects

Tree Trimming Near Overhead Electrical Infrastructure

If you notice tree branches getting too close to power lines, please contact us. We will assess the condition of the tree and branches and ensure their safe removal if necessary.

Please include in your email:

  • the closest address,
  • a description of the tree’s location (include a picture if possible),
  • your contact information.

Orangeville Hydro owns and maintains over 78 km of overhead high voltage conductors and 440 km of overhead low voltage conductors. The overhead lines are patrolled on an annual basis and specific areas are targeted for tree trimming activities each year. If you would like more information regarding Orangeville Hydro’s Vegetation Management and Tree Trimming activities, please contact us.