Rate Applications

Orangeville Hydro submits an annual rate application to the Ontario Energy Board requesting approval of our Distribution Rates for our customers.

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Incentive Rate Mechanism (IRM) Rate Application – Case Number EB-2024-0048

Orangeville Hydro has filed its application to the Ontario Energy Board to increase its electricity distribution rates effective May 1, 2025.

Please note, the rates are not final until approved by the Ontario Energy Board.

Historical Rate Orders

Orangeville Hydro submits an annual rate application to the Ontario Energy Board requesting approval of our Distribution Rates for our customers. Below are historical approved Tariff and Rates and Charges.

2024 Final Rate Order

2023 Final Rate Order

2022 Final Rate Order

2021 Final Rate Order

2020 Final Rate Order

2023 Decision and Rate Order

2020 Decision and Rate Order

2019 Decision and Rate Order

2018 Decision and Rate Order

2017 Decision and Rate Order

2016 Decision and Rate Order

2015 Decision and Rate Order

2014 Decision and Rate Order

Distribution System Plan

A Distribution System Plan (DSP) is a document that all Local Distribution Companies (utilities) submit to the Ontario Energy Board. The document outlines how the utility plans to maintain, improve, connect, and grow their distribution system. It also explains and considers value to stakeholders, current and future investments, capital expenditures and conservation initiatives.

This Distribution System Plan focuses on Orangeville Hydro’s plans and goals for the next 5 years relating to investments that have already been set aside. This DSP was included in the Cost of Service application for May 1, 2024, rates.

2024-2028 Distribution System Plan

Cost of Service Rate Application

Local distribution companies (LDCs) such as Orangeville Hydro, are funded by the distribution rates included in the delivery charge paid by their customers. Electricity distributors are required to file a rate application with the electricity regulator, the Ontario Energy Board (OEB), to request a change in distribution rates. This is called a Cost of Service (COS) application.

A COS is essentially a detailed business plan and budget, laying out the strategic vision for the next 5 years. The COS determines the level of spending and investments that Orangeville Hydro will make, including equipment, infrastructure, maintenance, service offerings, rates customers pay and more. All costs must be presented and justified by the LDC before being reviewed by the OEB. Orangeville Hydro last completed a COS application for 2024 rates.

Key components of the COS application include:

  • A detailed operating budget including comparisons and a history from the last COS application.
  • A detailed capital plan including comparisons and a history from the last COS application.
  • A Distribution System Plan that lays out the strategic vision for the system over the next five years.
  • An Asset Management Plan that lays out how we will ensure the system is being maintained efficiently.
  • A discussion on how we keep engaged with our customers as well as the result of the customer satisfaction surveys taken every two years.
  • Our capital structure (debt and equity).
  • The resulting calculation of rates and what the impact will be on customers.