Engineering Service Request

orangeville hydro ongoing projects

New Connection Request

If you need Orangeville Hydro service at a location that does not have an electrical connection (such as a new condo or housing development, or a new business), you will need to apply for a new electrical connection.

For any new Hydro connection, the customer needs to fill out either a Residential Application or Commercial Application along with a Service Request Form for a service layout. A Security Deposit may also apply, contact our Customer Service Department at 519-942-8000 for more information.

Service Upgrade

If you are looking to upgrade your home or business, you will need to complete a Service Upgrade Request Form. Service upgrade application types include: Panel Change, Service Size Upgrades, Generator Installation, Generlink Installation, Service Type Change (Overhead to Underground service), Meterbase Relocation, and Meterbase Repair.

For any upgrades requiring an additional Meterbase please complete a Meter Verification Form. 

Service Removal

Orangeville Hydro will permanently remove the service to any of our existing customers at no charge. If you require removal of a service, please complete and submit the Service Removal Form. The removal of the service is permanent. Therefore, all future servicing would be considered a new service and would be subject to all current regulations, inspections, and connection charges.

Temporary Disconnect

Safety is our number one priority. When working on electrical equipment, it is important that you too make safety a top priority. Before working on any electrical equipment on your property, put your safety first and schedule a Temporary Disconnect.

To schedule a Temporary Disconnect, call 519-942-8000 and ask for our Engineering Department.

The cost of a Temporary disconnect is $65 plus HST. Once the service has been disconnected, Orangeville Hydro will not re-energize the service until there has been an ESA (Electrical Safety Authority) inspection done by the local inspector, call 1.877.372.7233 to schedule a safety inspection for the day of your appointment. (Please note: an ESA inspection is required for any home improvements that involve modifications to your electrical service, as well as installation of siding and stucco.)

Electrical Inspections

If you or an electrician has performed work on your electrical service (i.e. upgrades, repairs, etc.), the completed work must be inspected by the Electrical Safety Authority (ESA). The ESA can be reached at 1-877-372-7233.

For more information visit