Customers can now choose the electricity price plan that best suits them. Below are the Time-Of-Use, Tiered, or Ultra-Low Overnight price plans.

Orangeville Hydro is a Local Distribution Company (LDC) that adheres to the regulations set by the Ontario Energy Board (OEB). The rates for Time-Of-Use, Tiered and Ultra-Low Overnight pricing are all set by the OEB, and are updated annually, on November 1.
Time-Of-Use Pricing
With TOU prices, the price depends on when you use electricity. There are three TOU prices:
Off-peak: When demand for electricity is lowest. Ontario households use most of their electricity – nearly two thirds of it – during off-peak hours.
Mid-peak: When demand for electricity is moderate. These periods are during the daytime, but not the busiest times of day.
On-peak: When demand for electricity is generally higher. These are the busier times of day – generally when people are cooking, starting up their computers and running heaters or air conditioners.

Tiered Pricing
With Tiered pricing, you can use a certain amount of electricity each month at a flat rate. Once that limit (called a threshold) is exceeded, a higher price applies.
In the summer months residential customers can use 600/kWh at a set price, if they exceed 600/kWh customers will pay for additional electricity used.
In the winter months residential customers can use 1000/kWh at a set price, if they exceed 1000/kWh customers will pay for additional electricity used.
Small business/Non-residential customers can use 750/kWh at a set price, if they exceed 750/kWh customers will pay for additional electricity used.

Ultra-Low Overnight Pricing (ULO)
Ultra-Low Overnight: When the demand for electricity is lowest on average.
Weekend Off-peak: When the demand for electricity is generally lower.
Mid-peak: When demand for electricity is moderate.
On-peak: When demand for electricity is highest on average.
The ULO price periods are the same in the summer as they are in the winter.

Additional Information
To learn more about how the Ontario Energy Board determines electricity rates, click here.
Looking to switch? Learn more here
If you would like to learn more about TOU and Tiered pricing, the OEB has created an informational video.