New Bill Design

Orangeville Hydro Launches New Bill Design

Orangeville Hydro and several other utilities are joining forces to create a standardized bill design to improve the overall customer experience.

Orangeville, ON, April of 2024 – Orangeville Hydro announced the launch of its new bill design. The new design has been implemented to create a more user-friendly, transparent, and modern-looking bill.

Orangeville Hydro collaborated with several other utility companies to utilize ERTH Corp and the services they offer. ERTH Corp assisted Orangeville Hydro in the creation and implementation of the new bill design and will be printing and distributing bills on behalf of Orangeville Hydro.

“ERTH Corp is a reputable company, providing utility services to 15 Southwestern communities in Ontario, as well as providing IT services, and printing and distributing services to a number of utilities in the area. We are extremely excited to be working with ERTH Corp, as they are known for leveraging sustainable practices, along with innovative technology to significantly reduce CO2 emissions during the printing process,” said Rob Koekkoek, President, Orangeville Hydro.

“The new design isn’t just about giving the bill a modern fresh look, it also offers customers tangible information about the energy usage of their homes right at their fingertips, which we see as a way to improve the overall customer experience,” said Koekkoek.     

With the implementation of the new design, customers can expect to receive detailed information regarding their electricity and water usage. Traditionally, customers would have to log on to Orangeville Hydro’s portal to review their monthly consumption however, the new design provides customers with this data right on their bill.

In addition to the new feature, Orangeville Hydro is improving transparency regarding fees associated with hydro and water. Under each service, customers will find a detailed explanation of the charges and how fees are determined. Although this information had been offered on the previous bill print, the explanation was lengthy and featured definitions that were confusing to customers. By collaborating with other utilities and utilizing ERTH Corp, Orangeville Hydro has developed a bill that customers can understand and feel secure with the information provided.  

“While the design is new to Orangeville Hydro it is actually very similar to some of the larger utility companies in Ontario and is being implemented by several others as well. We believe by using a similar layout to other utilities, customers can experience a seamless process whether they are moving into our service area or out of our service area,” said Kim Brooks, Manager of Customer Service, Orangeville Hydro. “This simple but effective change will not only help customers to better understand their bill, but also provide them with the knowledge necessary to make educated decisions when it comes to their consumption.”

The new bill design stems from the need to improve the customers’ experience and understanding when it comes to their monthly bill. By collaborating with other utilities and utilizing services offered by ERTH Corp, Orangeville Hydro was able to develop a modern-looking bill that helps customers to better understand their usage, charges, and the consumption habits of their home. Orangeville Hydro is continuously working to meet the needs of its customers and overall improve transparency and communication.

About Orangeville Hydro

Orangeville Hydro Limited is a Local Distribution Company that provides electricity to the Towns of Orangeville and Grand Valley, and bills on behalf of both communities for water services. Our goal is to provide safe, reliable, and efficient delivery of electrical energy while being accountable to our shareholders. Our team of 20 employees service 13,000 customers in the areas of customer service, finance, and building and maintaining our infrastructure. We are committed to the customers we service      and the stakeholders that we adhere to and aim to educate and guide our community members as we prepare for the electrification of the future.


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